
Tips for Social Media Advocacy On Twitter

  • Share links, updates on campaigns, facts, images from events and other information in 140 characters or less.
  • Twitter Feed: The stream of tweets you see on your homepage. It’s comprised of updates from users you follow.
  • Retweet (RT): Re-sharing or giving credit to someone else’s tweet.
  • Mention (@): A way to reference another user by his username in a tweet (e.g. @TraffickACTS). Users are notified when @mentioned. It’s a way a great way connect and create discussions.
  • Tweet directly to members and other organization to encourage them engage in your efforts by using @TheirUsername.
  • Tweet directly to members of Congress with the action you want them to take.
  • Follow other organizations to keep up with their efforts.
  • Give bloggers, members and other organizations credit by using the link and including “via @TheirUsername”
  • Use vine to share not just photos but also videos!
  • Direct Message (DM): A private, 140-character message between two people. You can decide whether to accept a Direct Message from any Twitter user, or only from users you are following. You may only DM a user who follows you.
  • Follow what is trending and try engage. Trending topics are on the “discover” section or on the left side of the page.
  • Mashable is a great resource for trends.
  • For more tips check these out!

What Is A Hashtag and Tips To Use Them.

  • Basically adding pound sign to a word or phrase makes it pretty much magical! You can then directly follow it into a searchable link. Which allows you to organize content and track discussion topics based on those keywords.
  • See what’s trending around the world.
  • Hashtags are used across many social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest expanding your network.
  • Don’t use too many hashtags in one tweet.
  • Be specific. If you’re using a hashtag to join a conversation, make sure the hashtag is specific and relevant to your topic.
  • Although hashtags are great in campaigns make sure you connect your followers with somewhere (link) they can go to learn or do more.

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